If you grew up going to youth group in the early 2000s like I did this bible passage probably makes you think of a certain song. Remember, it was written by that tall, scrawny, furry dude named David Crowder.
Read MoreYou shall solemnly warn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them. 1 Sam. 8:9
Read MoreAscension Sunday is the point in Luke’s gospel narrative where we see Jesus float up to heaven as if he is being beamed up to the mothership. Nevertheless, it is not the first time we see the resurrected Jesus acting rather un-human.
Read MoreI have a confession. Sometimes it’s hard not to sympathize with secular humanists who see the god of the bible — the one whom I have committed my whole being to — as a jealous psychopath, ready to commit genocide at the mere idea that some groups of people wouldn’t be that into him
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