As the adage goes, “you are what you eat.” And there is of course wisdom here, even if those who take it as a rally cry for their New Year’s resolution forget it by January 2nd. We heard it growing up, mostly in regards to nutrition, but perhaps regarding violent video games and cursing in movies and music. Most of us probably still find ourselves siding with this way of thinking, if not as a source of wisdom, then as a source of guilt.
Read MoreYou may have noticed that you haven’t seen a post from me here at Coastland Commons in over two months. Sorry about that. But the “why” of this is what I want, maybe need, to share about today.
Read MoreIf you grew up going to youth group in the early 2000s like I did this bible passage probably makes you think of a certain song. Remember, it was written by that tall, scrawny, furry dude named David Crowder.
Read MoreIn the Gospel of St. Mark, a common theme is that of a king returning to his kingdom to find it overtaken and invaded by enemy forces. In this sense, according to Mark, the Gospel of Jesus can be summed up in this: “Satan, your kingdom must come down. The Kingdom of God is at hand.” Mark’s Gospel is this “return of the king” narrative, as he walks through the country casting out demons who have taken over, bringing the sick back to health, and the dead back to life. Look at what Jesus does and you can see what His Kingdom is intended to look like.
Read MoreHow the mighty have fallen.
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