Confronting Reality: Toward a De-Colonial Spirituality
As we investigate the origins of our country and the history of our world, whether we choose to identify as religious, spiritual, questioning, agnostic, atheist, or otherwise, we are confronted with a terrible reality: every part of us has been impacted by colonialism.
From the first Europeans to set foot on the shores of the Americas, to the transatlantic slave trade, to the genocide and subjugation of indigenous peoples by Christian empires; whether it be the land theft and resource hoarding of our past or the mass incarceration and gentrification of our present, we have all seen the reach of colonialism. For those of us that are white, our ability to live and move about comfortably in society is due in no small part to colonialism. Identifying white privilege means confronting the reality that this comfort has and continues to be unjustly strapped to the backs of people of color by the hands of colonialism.
At Coastland Commons, we are learning that colonialism is so ubiquitous and totalizing that we need to examine the ways that it has woven itself into our spirituality.
How has Christianity, then and now, colluded with colonialism?
How have we adopted a colonial presence in our city and in our neighborhood?
How do we acknowledge and give voice to the ongoing trauma of colonized people so that we do not perpetuate more trauma?
We want to extend an invitation for you to join us on Monday, November 18th from 6:00pm-8:30pm to explore together what it means to work towards a de-colonial spirituality. We are excited to welcome Gabes Torres, a researcher, artist, theologian, speaker, and psychotherapist in training. Her life’s work is to demonstrate how there’s nothing “post” about post-colonialism, and how the effects of historical and oppressive conquest have permeated the ideologies, cultures, languages, literature, human behaviors, inter- and intra-personal relationships, and spiritual practices we have today. Learn more about her work here.
Coastland Commons meets from 6:00pm-8:30pm the third Monday of every month at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Ballard (7706 25th Ave NW, Seattle, WA, 98117). We share a meal of locally sourced food and have conversations on theology, creativity and the arts.
2019 Gathering Schedule:
Monday, November 18th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church
Monday, December 16th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church