What Does It Mean To Be Post-Evangelical?
Find yourself asking that question? Us too.
Perhaps, like us, you’ve been watching the current religious and political climate of our country and identified certain values and actions associated with being evangelical that you want nothing to do with.
It seems that the struggle for many of us who exist in Christian spaces is not if we are evangelical, but exactly what replaces that designation when we decide we are not?
We live in a cultural moment that, perhaps now more than ever, begs a response to these questions. Over the next year we invite you to join us; and if you are willing, bring your stories, your questions, and your imagination for what a post-evangelical identity looks like.
Coastland Commons meets from 6:00pm-8:30pm the third Monday of every month at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Ballard (7706 25th Ave NW, Seattle, WA, 98117). We share a meal of locally sourced food and have conversations on theology, creativity and the arts.