Twenty-Fourth Day
Self-Portrait (2012)
by Nick Kokis
Oil on Canvas, 20 x 24
Daniel 5.10-11, 13, 16-20, 22-23a, 24, 30-31a
10 When the queen heard all the confusion, she came into the room and said, "Long live Belshazzar! There is no need to be so troubled or to be so afraid. 11 There is someone in your land who possesses the spirit of the holy gods and was known in the time of your forbear to have keen insight and godlike wisdom. Nebuchadnezzar appointed him chief among all the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners.
13 Then Daniel was brought before Belshazzar who asked, "Are you Daniel, the Jewish exile, whom my forebear brought from Judah?
16 I have heard that you can interpret dreams and solve difficulties; if you are able to read the writing and tell me what it means, you will be clothed in purple, wear a gold collar around your neck, and be third in the government of the realm."
17 Daniel answered Belshazzar, "You may keep your gifts, or give your presents to someone else; but the writing I will read for you and tell you what it means. 18 Great Ruler, the Most High God gave dominion to your forebear Nebuchadnezzar, with power, glory and honor, 19 and because of this power, all the nations of the earth trembled. Nebuchadnezzar put some to death at will and others he spared at will; some were promoted and others were brought down according to his whim.
20 But when he became arrogant and stubborn and insolent, he was overthrown and stripped of glory.
22 "But even though you, the heir to the realm, knew all of this, you didn't change your ways. 23 You have rebelled against the God of heaven. You had the vessels of the Temple brought before you, so that you and the royal family, the nobles and their families, and the entertainers might drink wine from the,; and you toasted your gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone, that neither see nor hear nor have intelligence.
24 That is why God sent the hand which wrote these things.
30 That night, Belshazzar, the ruler of the Chaldeans, was slain, 31 and Darius the Mede took over the realm.
by David Whyte (b. 1955)
from Fire in the Earth (Many Rivers Press, 1992)
It doesn't interest me if there is one God
or many gods.
I want to know if you belong or feel
if you can know despair or see it in others.
I want to know
if you are prepared to live in the world
with its harsh need
to change you. If you can look back
with firm eyes,
saying this is where I stand. I want to know
if you know
how to melt into that fierce heat of living,
falling toward
the center of your longing. I want to know
if you are willing
to live, day by day, with the consequence of love
and the bitter
unwanted passion of you sure defeat.
I have heard, in that fierce embrace,
even the gods speak of God.
Today’s Art Practice
What You’ll Need
From Your Home:
A Pen, Pencil, Paint, Crayons, Markers, or any other materials needed for writing, or drawing or making the art of your choice.
A Mirror
From Your Envelope:
Sheet of Art Paper
Sheet of Lined Paper
Directions: Today's art and poem are both examples of an artists "self-portrait."
Self-portraits are often less about perfectly capturing the image of the artist at that time, but more about capturing a mood, or essence, or emotion.
Look at yourself in the mirror...look beyond what you look at as you get ready for the day. Look to SEE yourself.
When you're ready, create your self-portrait in whatever way feels right for you in this moment. It could be through writing poetry or writing prose, it could be through a 1-line drawing, abstract painting, collage, a received picture, a song or a speech, or anything else you can think of.
*For those participating in group discussion around this series, this would be a great project to share with one another.
If you like, this playlist can help you keep track of time. Once it stops playing, 20 minutes will be over.
Let’s Pray…
from Presbyterian Worship
Merciful God, grant us grace to see within ourselves, to mourn our sins, and to seek the blessing of your forgiving, life-renewing grace, that we may live as your faithful and obedient children throughout all our days; in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.