You Know You: Letting Your Instinct Lead
In conversation at our September gathering, we realized through the course of the evening that living into a post-evangelical identity and world means we all have stories to tell. These stories are all unique, at times beautiful and at times horrible; they often ask that we hold both nostalgia and wounding, sentiment and pain.
A common theme emerged: reclaiming these stories from our past and present means learning to trust our own instincts, despite the voices that have tried to convince us that our instincts are untrustworthy and our feelings unreliable.
We believe that you know you best.
We believe that you have ownership over your own story.
As we gather over a shared meal and conversation on October 21st from 6:00pm-8:30pm, we’ll wonder together about how the community of faith runs the risk of stunting personal growth by not making space for the full person to be present. We’ll also wonder together about how that same community can correct its course and come together for healing. When has the community of faith stunted a part of your own personal story? How could that part of you have been better tended? How have you begun to tend your own story? We are excited to have Annie Mesaros, political theologian and host of the podcast God Help Us, guiding our discussion.
Coastland Commons meets from 6:00pm-8:30pm the third Monday of every month at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Ballard (7706 25th Ave NW, Seattle, WA, 98117). We share a meal of locally sourced food and have conversations on theology, creativity and the arts.
2019 Gathering Schedule:
Monday, October 21st, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church
Monday, November 18th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church