Community Walks

Community Walks Schedule

Saturday, September 26th, 2020

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Meet at southwest corner of Loyal Heights Playfield in Ballard

Saturday, October 24th, 2020

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Meet at the southwest corner of 20th and Madison on Cherry Hill. Check out the redlining walking tour guide here.

Saturday, November 14th, 2020

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

International District; location information to come

As we keep walking into an uncertain world, we are recognizing the consequences of not being together. We are all feeling the cost in real time - whether that cost be the shuttering of businesses and livelihoods, the pressure of re-opening public schools, or the loss of communal gathering spaces.

At Coastland Commons, we have always felt that meeting together around embodied practice was vital for our emotional, physical, and spiritual lives. Up until now, that has meant gathering inside for a meal, conversation, and creative practice. Yet we also understand we need to follow the direction of the CDC, our state government, and the Seattle presbytery as we decide the best ways to meet safely for now.

We will gather once a month in person through the fall, outside, to go on community walks together. These walks will embody the themes that we are discussing in our Zoom gatherings so that we will have a chance to experience in our bodies the information we are absorbing in the virtual space. For the fall, we will are going to spend some time learning and reflecting on the redlining practices in Seattle that has shaped our city into what it is today. You can learn more about redlining in the city of Seattle here.

Check out our virtual gatherings to prepare for these community walks, or send us a message so we can put you on our email list. Join us as we learn about our bodies, our community, and our city.

We will adhere to the six feet social distancing guidelines and require masks for when this is not possible.