Holy Tuesday
Ode to Rumi; Drawn to Light (2000)
by Seyed Alavi
Rice Paper, beeswax, paper butterflies, Sufi poetry, 30' x 35'
John 12.20-36
20 Among those who had come up to worship at the Passover festival were some Greeks. 21 They approached Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and put forth this request: "Please, we would like to see Jesus." 22 Philip went to tell Andrew, and together the two went to tell Jesus.
23 Jesus replied,
"Now the hour has come
for the Chosen One to be glorified.
24 The truth of the matter is,
unless a grain of wheat
falls on the ground and dies,
it remains only a single grain;
but if it dies,
it yields a rich harvest.
25 If you love your life
you'll lose it;
if you hate your life in this world
you'll keep it for eternal life.
26 Anyone who wants to work for me
must follow in my footsteps,
and wherever I am,
my worker will be there too.
Anyone who works for me
will be honored by Abba God.
27 Now my soul is troubled.
What will I say:
'Abba, save me from this hour?'
But it was for this very reason
that I have come to this hour.
28 Abba, glorify your name!"
A voice came from heaven: "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again."
29 The crowds that stood nearby heard this and said it was a clap of thunder; others said, "It was an angel speaking."
30 Jesus answered, "It was not for my sake that this voice came, but for yours.
31 "Sentence is now being passed on this world;
now the ruler of this world will be overthrown.
32 And when I am lifted up from this earth,
I will draw all people to myself."
33 By these words Jesus indicated the kind of death he would die.
34 The crowd answered, "We've heard from the Law that the Messiah will remain forever. So how can you say, 'The Chosen One must be lifted up.' Who is this Chosen One?"
35 Jesus said to them,
"The light will be with you
only a little while longer.
Walk while you have the light,
before darkness overtakes you.
Those who walk in the dark
don't know what they're doing.
36 Believe in the light
While you still have the light.
Only then will you become
children of light."
After he said this, Jesus left and went into seclusion.
by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (1826-1887)
found in The Best Loved Poems of the American People (Doubleday, 1936)
Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words - but pouring them
All right our - just as they are -
Chaff and grain together -
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them -
Keep what is worth keeping -
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away.
Today’s Art Practice
Directions: Visit this exhibit of Christ in the Dungeon on Google Arts & Culture. This is a large, multi-sensory art exhibit. Spend time with it (at least 20 minutes) -view, listen, read - What do you notice? What do you wonder? Is this a worshipful space? How/How Not?
Alternatively, go to a museum near you and explore an exhibit in-person.
If you like, you can use a piece of the lined paper from you envelope to take notes on what you notice.
Let’s Pray…
Lenten Prayer
from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
God of thundering glory and wondrous love,
you lifted up Jesus Christ from the earth
to draw all people to your holy name.
Like grains of wheat that fall to the dust,
teach us to die - and so to bear much fruit,
giving our lives for the sake of the gospel,
following and serving Christ Jesus forever.