Fourteenth Day
Agency Job (2017)
by Banksy
Jeremiah 36.9-10a, 11-12a, 13-14a
9 In the fifth year of Jehoiakim ben-Josiah the ruler of Judah, in the ninth month, all the people of Jerusalem and all the people who came in from the towns of Judah proclaimed a fast before YHWH. 10 Then in the house of YHWH Baruch read aloud to all the people Jeremiah's words from the scroll.
11 When Micaiah ben-Gemariah ben-Shaphan heard all God's words from the scroll, 12 he went down to the house of the ruler and entered the secretary's room.
13 After Micaiah told them everything he had heard Baruch read to the people from the scroll, 14 all the officials sent Jehudi ben-Nethaniah ben-Shelemiah ben-Cushi to say to Baruch, "Bring the scroll from which you read to the people and follow me."
by J. Ruth Gendler (b. 1955)
from The Book of Qualities (HarperCollins, 1984)
Courage has roots. She sleeps
on a futon on the floor and
lives close to the ground.
Courage looks you straight in the
eye. She is not impressed with
powertrippers, and she knows first aid.
Courage is not afraid to weep, and
she is not afraid to pray, even
when she is not sure who she is
praying to. When Courage walks,
it is clear that she has made
the journey from loneliness to
solitude. The people who told me
she is stern were not lying;
they just forgot to
mention that she
is kind.
Today’s Art Practice
What You’ll Need
From Your Home:
Prayer talisman found during yesterday's practice.
Directions: Start by meditating on fear and courage.
While you are doing this, hold your stone or other prayer talisman in your hands.
Notice what you notice as you do this, as things come up for you, pray those fears into the talisman.
Once you are done, bring your talisman to a sink or bowl of water. Ritually wash the fears that you prayed into it out of talisman.
You can keep this talisman with you throughout the rest of Lent and use this practice when ever you need it.
If you like, this playlist can help you keep track of time. Once it stops playing, 20 minutes will be over.
Let’s Pray…
Psalm 119 Prayer
by Jim Cotter
Eternal Spirit, flow through our being and open our lips that our
mouths may proclaim your praise.
Blessed are those who are honest in their ways,
who walk in the paths of God's Law.
Those who do no evil deeds
are those who tread the way of justice.
May my ways be kept steadfast
on the narrow road of your Love.
With my whole heart I have looked for you:
let me not wander from your Commandment.
I am a traveller upon earth:
hide not your Guideposts from me.
I have chosen the way of faithfulness,
and your Justice is before my eyes.
Take from me the way of lying,
and graciously teach me your Truth.
I shall run the way of your Commandment
when you have set my heart at liberty.