Christmas Caroling
For our December gathering, we are taking a break from formal conversation and participating in an annual Coastland Commons tradition: Christmas caroling! We enjoy this event every year, and think you will too. All ages and singing abilities are welcome, so bring your winter coats and your vocal chords and let’s enjoy the evening together!
You may be wondering: how can you have one event on a de-colonial spirituality and then sing Christmas carols the next? Us too. As we were deciding on what kind of event we wanted to hold in December, we wanted to name the tension of these two things while also trying to be and do better from where we are. Practically, what that means is that we will be steering clear of some songs and changing the lyrics to others, to both be more inclusive and to face the history of white European Christianity. Come expecting to sing some favorites while also engaging them critically as we hope to always do.
We will share a meal together like usual and sing through some Christmas carols at Northminster in preparation for caroling, and then head out into the neighborhood at 7:00 PM for an hour or so of singing. Be sure to come dressed in warm clothing and ready to walk a little bit. We will provide lyrics and music. Come on out!
To help us know how to prepare for our December 16th gathering,
RSVP here.
Coastland Commons meets once a month at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Ballard (7706 25th Ave NW, Seattle, WA, 98117), where we share a meal of locally sourced food and have conversations on theology, creativity and the arts.
2019 Gathering Schedule:
Monday, December 16th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church
2020 Gathering Schedule
Monday, January 13th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church
Monday, February 10th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church
Monday, March 9th, 6:00pm-8:30pm at Northminster Presbyterian Church